
Verify the server Hostname/IPaddress

"Contacting Server" is displayed in the main window

Try establishing a connection using Telnet

    Right-click Windows Start button > Command Prompt

    telnet servername port#

    (where servername is the hostname or IPaddress you connect to and port# is the port you use to connect to the server. Both can be found in the Ventrilo client server setup section)

    (ex: telnet 3784) or (telnet 3784)

If you get a message about unable to connect then the problem is beyond Ventrilo as something is blocking the connection. Try temporarily disabling ALL firewall/virus/spyware checkers.

Enabling Telnet in Vista/Windows 7 / 8 / 10

Control-Panel / Programs and Features / Turn Windows features on or off / select “Telnet Client” / click OK

If telnet can't connect then Ventrilo won't either as telnet is a function of the tcp/ip stack which is a part of the operating system. If it can't make a tcp connection then something is preventing the connection on that specific port#. if you've eliminated all possibilities with your internal network then try contacting your ISP and have them try to telnet to the server to see if they can connect from their end.

Unable to resolve DNS/Hostname

When you defined the server connection you entered a Hostname instead of an IP number. Hostnames look like "" whereas IP numbers will look like "" but without the quotes.

Both formats are valid but if you give it a Hostname then the name must be typed correctly. If the name you entered doesn't exist then this error message will be displayed.

If you entered an IPaddress then verify the numbers are correct and separated by dots.

Unable to connect to server

This can be caused by several things...

When you defined the server you want to connect to you either A) typed the IP address wrong or B) entered the wrong port number.

The server might not be online. Check the status of the Server -

Check the PC's firewall and router firewall to see if it is blocking your connection to the server.

In either event the problem is between you and the server. There is nothing we can do and you will have to research the problem in conjunction with the server administrator.

Disconnects immediately after connecting to server. Starts reconnect countdown

If the count down starts immediately after connecting to a server then you might have been banned. Contact the server administrator and request to un-ban you (assuming they are willing to do so).

Ping displaying abnormally large numbers

Check your bandwidth with this site: (note: try to find out where your Ventrilo server is located and perform a speedtest to that locale)

Perform a traceroute to the server. The traceroute will display all the nodes the network packets flow through to get to the server. 3 columns show the number of milliseconds (ms) it took to reach that node. Look for any unusually large numbers when compared to the complete trace. (note: an asterisk (*) in place of a time indicates a time-out for the response)

Right-click the Windows Start button
Command Prompt {hit enter}
tracert serverhostname(found in server setup)

(example:  tracert )

Akamai Netsession

If you are running Akamai Netsession, check the settings to allow the Ventrilo connection.


Can't hear other Users in the same channel

Make sure "Mute Snd" box/button is not checked/disabled

In Vent setup/voice-binds-speech tabs, set "Output Device" to the device name being used for audio

In vent setup/voice tab, set "Inbound Amplifier" to 0

Push-To-Talk not working

Make sure "Mute Mic" box/button is not checked/disabled

In Vent setup/voice tab, "Enable outgoing voice communications" is checked

In Vent setup/voice tab, set "Input Device" to the device name being used for the microphone

In Vent setup/voice tab, set "Outbound Amplifier" to 0

Testing the microphone

In Vent setup click the "Monitor" button. If using voice-activation speak into the mic and watch the numbers scroll inside the box. If using PTT then hold down the PTT key and watch the numbers in the box. The numbers should display anything besides zero or 'Abs Zero' when speaking.

In Vent setup click the "Test" button. Speak into the mic, using either voice-activation or PTT, and the box should display --Begin-- when you start and --End-- when you pause. The program will then playback what was spoken.

Disabling non-essential Audio Devices - Vista/Windows-7/8/10

Windows Control-Panel > Sound > Playback & Recording tabs > rt-click in the window and select "Show Disabled Devices" and "Show Disconnected Devices" > rt-click on all unused devices and select "disable"

Check the Audio Driver for the latest version

Check the Audio driver to make sure it is up to date. Or try re-installing the current driver.

(note: some USB Headsets do not require a driver)

(Don’t assume the driver is up to date as a newer one may have been released since the computer was built)

  • If you have a brand-name PC, like Dell or HP, then check the manufacturers website for driver updates.
  • If you built the PC and use the on-board sound device then check the motherboard manufacturers website for drivers for your model motherboard.
  • If you use a plug-in soundcard, ex: SoundBlaster, then check that manufacturers website for drivers.

Also check for BIOS and chipset updates

When checking for BIOS, chipset and certain onboard hardware drivers, you should only check the pc (or specific motherboard) manufacturers website for your make/model. The manufacturer is responsible for maintaining the proper version of driver for their specific hardware.

For example: Realtek is an OEM manufacturer of audio chips and there are many different revisions of each. The latest driver found on the Realtek site may not be compatible with the version of chip in your pc, and could cause problems like 'stereo mix' to not be available. Realtek comments to this effect on their download page.

No Sound when using a 5.1/7.1 Sound System

Is your system sound configured for 5.1 or 7.1?

(XP - windows control-panel / sounds / click the ‘Advanced’ button in the ‘Speaker Settings’ section / speaker setup input box setting)

(Vista/Windows 7 – windows control-panel / sounds / Playback / select speaker device / ‘Configure’ button / Audio Channels)

(Windows 8 - windows control-panel / hardware and sound / sound (manage audio devices) / Playback tab / select speaker device / ‘Configure’ button / Audio Channel configuration)

(Windows 10 Control-Panel / Sound / Playback tab / select speaker device / ‘Configure’ button / Audio Channel configuration)

If yes then: Goto Vent setup/voice-binds-speech tabs / SFX button / Directional / Add “Front Left & Right 5.1 (or 7.1)”

Testing the Microphone with Windows

(the microphone must work here before it will work with any voice-comm program)

Windows XP

    Control-Panel / Sounds and Audio / Voice Tab / Test Hardware Button


    Start / Programs / Accessories / Entertainment > Sound Recorder

Windows Vista/Windows 7

    Programs / Accessories / Sound Recorder / create a recording then save it Windows Media Player (WMP) / playback recording

Windows 8 / 10

    Windows Control-Panel / Hardware and Sound / Sound - Manage audio devices / Recording tab

Windows 10

    Control-Panel / Sound / Recording tab

    Select the current Microphone device / Set as Default / Properties / check the levels in 'Levels' tab / check the effects in the 'Enhancements' tab

    Goto 'Listen' tab / select the proper 'Playback' device / click the 'Listen to this device' box and click 'Apply'

    Speak into the mic and listen for playback / check the Levels and Enhancements again to adjust the sound

    When setup is complete, uncheck the 'Listen to this device' box and click Apply


Start Ventrilo using Windows shortcut key from within other applications

Windows provides a method to start an application using a shortcut key or a combo shortcut key. For example, you don't want to alt-tab to the desktop from your game in order to start Ventrilo. Using the Windows shortcut key from within your game will start the Ventrilo program and automatically connect using the last Username/Server that was connected.

Configure the desktop Icon

Right-click on the desktop icon and select "Properties". The window should display the "Shortcut" tab.

Copy the information from the "Target" box and paste in the "Start in:" box. Edit the line and remove the \Ventrilo.exe. The line should look like the following: {drive location may vary}

"C:\Program Files\VentriloPro"

Next select the shortcut key. Try to use a key combination that either the game or other running applications will not recognize. Suggest using modifier keys CTRL and ALT. example: CTRL+ALT+Z or CTRL+ALT+X as they are close and easy to hit with one hand.

Set the "Run:" option to "Minimized". Note: this option is currently not recognized and will be addressed in a later release. Setting this option will prevent the Ventrilo window from opening on top of the application which has window focus.

Click the "Apply" button

Configure Ventrilo to automatically connect

Start Ventrilo and select the User/Server to modify

Enter Setup and select the "Network" tab.

Enable the "Automatically connect when opened" option and click OK


Keyboard Typing Wrong Characters – Grave/Hanja

Check the Operating System setup for language and keyboard settings. Also look at the following for additional settings:

XBox One Controller PTT key not working outside of Ventrilo window

Currently the only solution is to revert to the previous Xinput driver. The following steps will guide you through the install.

Using either Microsoft IE or Edge goto this site:

in the Search box enter > xbox controller

select the 'Microsoft - Other hardware - Microsoft Xbox One Controller'
(not the one with DFU in the title. DFU=Device Firmware Update)
click on the link and make sure the driver is 'Architecture: AMD64'

click the 'download' button

click the link

click save as and name it something recognizable

click 'open folder'

double-click the filename to extract the files

CTRL-A to select all files
CTRL-C to copy all files

create a new folder in the downloads folder
paste files into the new folder

open windows device manager
open 'human interface devices'
open 'xinput compatible HID device'
goto driver tab
click 'update driver'
click 'browse my computer'
click browse button and navigate to the folder you created
click 'let me pick'
click 'xinput device'
click 'have disk'
click browse button
select 'xinputhid.inf'
click open
click OK
click next

International Fonts not displayed in Windows XP

Windows XP needs extra fonts installed in order to display some foreign languages. Goto: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional Options and Language Options > select both bottom check-boxes.

More fonts can be found here: unicode font complete -

Configure a Music Broadcast session - Windows

The computer must have an audio device that supports the re-broadcast of an audio stream, usually indicated as “Stereo Mix” or “What U Hear” in the Windows/Sound/Recording tab. Onboard audio usually offers this function. Most USB headsets do not have this option.

Configure Windows Audio

Open Windows Control-Panel > Sound > Recording tab > right-click in window > check ‘show disabled devices’ > right-click on ‘Stereo Mix’ (or ‘What U Hear’) and select ‘Properties’ > Levels tab >set volume level (50%) > Advanced tab > select ‘2 channel 48000 Hz’ in pulldown window’ > click OK
Note: the ‘Bit’ rate option may vary depending on the Audio device

Note: a reboot may be necessary for settings to be in effect.

Configure Ventrilo for 2 main windows, one for music and one for regular voice comms.

Configure the music window with a different Username so you can tell them apart when connected.
Note: If you need to use your registered Username then when creating the new User provide an entry in the ‘Description’ box that will differentiate it from your main account.

Goto Ventrilo setup>voice tab, set both input/output devices to the device name of the soundcard (ex: Realtek…)

Goto the hardware mixer section, set Mixer=Stereo Mix, Mux=Master Volume, and Line=Master Volume
(use the ‘Line Volume’ slider to adjust the microphone output volume)

Set sensitivity=1 or 0 and uncheck PTT  (setting sensitivity=1 will stop broadcasting during times of no outgoing signal in-between songs or if you pause/stop the music.  It will also help flush the buffers)

In Ventrilo setup>events tab, set all events to “Nothing”

On Ventrilo main screen, check the 'Mute Sound' box at the bottom

Note: if you don’t want to hear the music coming back thru Ventrilo then on your voice client select the music Username > right-click > User > Mute

Configure a Music Broadcast session - Mac OSX

Mac OSX does not include native audio drivers to support the re-broadcast of an audio stream so a third-party application needs to be installed. Two apps that are readily available are Soundflower and JackPilot.  Both perform well but Soundflower is easier to configure and uses less memory.

Configure Mac Audio

Open ‘Audio MIDI Setup’ located in Launchpad>Other (Finder > Applications > Utilities Folder)
Note: This options provides more detailed settings than the normal Sound option

Select the Soundflower (2ch)
Set both the Input and Output to 48,000 Hz

Configure Ventrilo for 2 main windows, one for music and one for regular voice comms.

Configure the music window with a different Username so you can tell them apart when connected.
Note: If you need to use your registered Username then when creating the new User provide an entry in the ‘Description’ box that will differentiate it from your main account.

Goto Ventrilo setup>voice tab, set both input/output devices to the device name Soundflower

Set sensitivity=1 or 0 and uncheck PTT  (setting sensitivity=1 will stop broadcasting during times of no outgoing signal in-between songs or if you pause/stop the music.  It will also help flush the buffers)

In Ventrilo setup>events tab, set all events to “Nothing”

On Ventrilo main screen, check the 'Mute Sound' box at the bottom

Note: if you don’t want to hear the music coming back thru Ventrilo then on your voice client select the music Username > right-click > User > Mute

Normalizing Volume per Server using Special Effects (SFX)

- Right-click on Main window Servername
- Select Miscellaneous / Special Effects
- Select Compressor and click Add
- Under Compressor Properties use the following settings
- Gain = Adjust for how loud you want Users to sound (see below)
- Attack = 0.01
- Release = Around 500
- Threshold = Around -30
- Ratio = 100
- Pre delay = 4.0

Optional settings:  Ventrilo Forum

What the settings do:

How much volume is fed into the compressor. Not really relevant unless everyone is too quiet, then you can turn this up a little. NOTE: turning it up too much will sound EXTREMELY BAD.

How fast volume change will happen. Example: setting this to 500 means that incoming audio will only be dropped in volume after half a second. For Ventrilo this should be set as low as possible.

How fast the compressor stops changing things. Not really that relevant with Ventrilo. Setting it around 500 is good for voice material.

This sets the point where we actually start changing what’s coming in. Whereas 0 is the absolute loudest you can have for an input, -60 is super quiet. Average Users will probably come in somewhere around -25 to -15, with the occasional few being really quiet, which is why this is set so low.

How much any sound below the set threshold gets compressed and/or modified in the volume department. If you still want to hear SOME volume variation then set this lower (2-4)... the higher you set it the closer in volume everyone will be.

Pre Delay
Mostly just deals with processing. With computer and digital processors they can look ahead a few milliseconds to see what needs to be dropped in volume or changed before it actually comes through the speakers. Highest is ideal.

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Ventrilo is a Trademark of LightSpeed Gaming LLC.